The Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System (MEPAS): Source-Term Release Formulations.

Streile, G.P., K.D. Shields, J.L. Stroh, L.M. Bagaasen, G. Whelan, J.P. McDonald, J.G. Droppo, J.W. Buck. 1996. The Multimedia Environmental Pollutant Assessment System (MEPAS): Source-Term Release Formulations. PNNL-11248/UC-602, 630, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.

Cover Page
Opening Pages

1.0 Introduction

2.0 General Contaminant Phase Partitioning and Loss Rate Theory
   2.1 Contaminants
   2.2 Phase Partitioning Theory
      2.2.1 Allowable Contaminants in Phases Present
      2.2.2 NAPL Phase Existence Determination
      2.2.3 Partioning Theory When No NAPL Phase Exists
      2.2.4 Partioning Theory When a NAPL Phase Exists
   2.3 General Form of Contaminant Loss Rate Expressions

3.0 Contaminated Aquifer
   3.1 Mass Loss Expressions for Individual or Multiple Concurrent Loss Routes
      3.1.1 First-Order Decay
      3.1.2 Leaching
   3.2 Special Cases with Analytical Solutions
   3.3 Numerical Solution Procedure for the General Case
   3.4 Methods for Calculating Selected Parameters in the Mass Loss Expressions
   3.5 Using Known Fluxes

4.0 Contaminated Pond/Surface Impoundment
   4.1 Mass Loss Expressions for Individual or Multiple Concurrent Loss Pathways
      4.1.1 First-Order Decay
      4.1.2 Leaching
      4.1.3 Overland Flow (Runoff)
      4.1.4 Volatilization
   4.2 Special Cases with Analytical Solutions
   4.3 Numerical Solution Procedure for the General Case
   4.4 Methods for Calculating Selected Parameters in the Mass Loss Expressions
   4.5 Using Known Fluxes

5.0 Contaminated Vadose Zone
   5.1 The Water Balance
      5.1.1 Overview
      5.1.2 Adjusted Average Temperature
      5.1.3 Potential Evapotranspiration
      5.1.4 Adjusted Precipitation
      5.1.5 Overland Runoff
      5.1.6 Maximum and Potential Percolation
      5.1.7 Accumulated Potential Water Loss and Soil Moisture Storage
      5.1.8 Actual Evapotranspiration
      5.1.9 Infiltration Generation
   5.2 Wind Suspension Rate Calculations
      5.2.1 Suspension of Surface Particles
      5.2.2 Emission Rate Computation
      5.2.3 Wind Erosion and Mechanical Suspension
      5.2.4 Vehicular Suspension
   5.3 Water Erosion Rate Calculations
      5.3.1 Rainfall Erosivity Factor
      5.3.2 Soil Erodibility Factor
      5.3.3 Slope Length and Steepness Factor
      5.3.4 Vegetative Cover Factor
      5.3.5 Erosion Control Practice Factor
      5.3.6 Converting USLE to Water Erosion Rate
   5.4 Mass Loss Expressions for Individual Loss Routes
      5.4.1 First-Order Decay
      5.4.2 Leaching
      5.4.3 Wind
      5.4.4 Volatilization
   5.5 Mass Loss Expressions for Multiple Concurrent Loss Routes
   5.6 Special Cases with Analytical Solutions
   5.7 Numerical Solution Procedure for the General Case
   5.8 Methods for Calculating Selected Parameters in the Mass Loss Expressions
   5.9 Using Known Fluxes

6.0 Summary and Plans for Further Development

7.0 Notation

8.0 References

Appendix- Complete List of Source-Term Module Input Parameters