7.0 Notation |
This section contains definitions of all the symbols used in the report, along with their associated units. |
a |
factor in the LS-factor equation |
unitless |
aj |
coefficent for Blaney-Criddle PET function for the j-th month |
mm d-1 |
A |
horizontal cross-sectional area of the contaminant source zone |
cm2 |
Adist |
aggregate size distribution |
mm |
Aloss |
average-annual soil loss |
t ha-1 yr-1 |
As |
surface area of the external boundary of an ISS waste form |
cm2 |
Asg |
total surface area of cracked glass in an ISV waste form |
cm2 |
Asgo |
initial total surface area of cracked glass in an ISV waste form |
cm2 |
bj |
coefficient for Blaney-Criddle PET function for the j-th month |
unitless |
cj |
correction factor for the Penman method with correction factor for the j-th month |
unitless |
csky |
mean sky cover for a 12-hr period (tenths) |
unitless |
csky(j) |
mean sky cover for the j-th month obtained from the LCD (tenths) |
unitless |
cvk |
von Karman constant |
unitless |
Cfact |
vegetative cover factor |
unitless |
Coi |
concentration of contaminant i in the NAPL phase |
g cm-3 or Ci cm -3 |
Csi |
concentration of contaminant i in the sorbed phase |
g g-1 or Ci g-1 |
Cti |
overall total concentration of contaminant i in a bulk volume of source zone |
g cm-3 or Ci cm-3 |
Ctio |
value of overall total concentration of contaminant i used at the beginning of a time step in the bounding calculation for volatization |
g cm-3 or Ci cm-3 |
Cvi |
concentration of contaminant i in the vapor phase |
g cm-3 or Ci cm-3 |
saturated vapor concentration of contaminant i |
g cm-3 or Ci cm-3 |
Cwi |
concentration of contaminant i in the vapor phase |
g cm-3 or Ci cm-3 |
aqueous solubility if contaminant i |
g cm-3 or Ci cm-3 |
d12rd |
12-hr snowmelt from radiation |
cm |
d24m |
daily snowmelt during a rainfall event |
cm |
d6c |
6-hr snowmelt from convection |
cm |
d6vc |
6-hr snowmelt from vapor condensation |
cm |
dcj |
average monthly snowmelt from convection for the j-th month |
cm |
dfmax |
peak flow depth |
cm |
dp |
depth of the pond |
cm |
dpr |
daily precipitation depth |
cm |
dpraj |
precipitation adjusted for snowmelt for the j-th month |
cm |
dpruj |
unadjusted precipitation depth for the j-th month obtained from the LCD |
cm |
drdj |
average monthly snowmelt from radiation for the j-th month |
cm |
dmj |
snowmelt from the rainfall for the j-th month |
cm |
droj |
overland runoff for the j-th month |
cm |
dsj |
total snowmelt for the j-th month |
cm |
dvcj |
average monthly snowmelt from vapor condensation for the j-th month |
cm |
Dgi |
effective diffusion coefficient of contaminant i within an ISS waste form |
cm2 yr-1 |
Dvi |
effective vapor diffusion coefficient of contaminant i in soil |
cm2 yr-1 |
vapor diffusion coefficient of contaminant i in air |
cm2 yr-1 |
ea |
actual vapor pressure of the air |
mbar |
eaj |
mean actual vapor pressure of the air for the j-th month |
mbar |
esj |
saturation vapor pressure for the j-th month |
mbar |
E |
volumetric water erosion rate |
cm yr-1 |
Eaj |
actual evapotranspiration for the j-th month |
cm |
Epj |
potential evapotranspiration rate for the j-th month |
mm d-1 |
Elim |
annual average limited emission rate per unit surface area |
g yr-1 |
Epav |
emission rate for traffic on paved roads |
g vehicle-1 km-1 |
Epot |
erosion potential |
g m-2 |
Eroad |
emission rate from road surfaces |
g vehicle-1 km-1 |
Eunlim |
annual average unlimited emission rate per unit surface area |
g yr-1 |
Eunpav |
emission rate for traffic on unpaved roads |
g vehicle-1 km-1 |
Eveh |
emission rate for suspension due to vehicular travel |
g yr-1 |
Ewind |
total emission rate for wind erosion |
g yr-1 |
Ewm |
emission rate for wind/mechanical suspension |
g yr-1 |
fcr |
fraction of soil surface that is crusted |
unitless |
fd |
frequency of mechanical disturbances |
month-1 |
fhj |
factor for the j-th month to correct the wind speed mearsurement to a 2-m measurement height |
unitless |
fj |
coefficient for Blaney-Criddle PET function for the j-th month |
mm day-1 |
fne |
nonerodible elements correction factor |
unitless |
fp |
particle size parameter |
unitless |
fPE |
Thornthwaite's Precipitation-Evaporation (PE) Index |
unitless |
fperm |
profile-permeability class factor |
unitless |
fv |
fraction of surface covered with vegetation |
unitless |
fwj |
temperature-related weighting factor for the j-th month |
unitless |
h |
thickness of the contaminant source zone |
cm |
h0 |
elevation of LCD station |
m |
h1 |
elevation of actual site |
m |
average percent relative humidity for the j-th month |
unitless |
hin |
wind speed measurement height above ground |
m |
maximum percent relative humidity for the j-th month |
unitless |
minimum percent relative for the j-th month |
unitless |
href |
reference height above the soil surface |
m |
Hi |
Henry's Law constant for contaminant i (press./concen. basis) |
atm m3 mol-1 |
i |
index on contaminant |
unitless |
Ij |
leachate generation for the j-th month |
cm |
Imax(j) |
maximum amount for moisture available for percolation in the j-th month |
cm |
Ipot(j) |
potential percolation for the j-th month |
cm |
j |
index on month |
unitless |
k |
index on contaminants other than contaminant i |
unitless |
k1-k4 |
the four intermediate terms in the Runge-Kutta calculations |
--------- |
kig |
gas-phase mass transfer coefficient for contaminant i
at a pond surface |
cm yr-1 |
kil |
liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient for contaminant i at pond surface |
cm yr-1 |
K1 |
theoretical constant in equation for snowmelt by vapor condensation |
cm s mbar-1 m-1 |
K2 |
heat exchange coefficient as a function of elevation |
cm s m-1 oC-1 |
Kdi |
linear equilibrium sorption coefficient for contaminant i to a solid sorbent |
cm3 g-1 |
Kfact |
soil erodibility factor |
t ha-1 yr-1 per unit Rfact |
KHi |
modified "Henry's Law" constant for contaminant i (concen./ concen. basis) for partitioning between aqueous solution and vapor |
unitless |
modified "Henry's Law" constant for contaminant i (concen./ concen. Basis) for partitioning between NAPL and vapor |
unitless |
Kli |
overall mass transfer coefficient from a liquid phase to the atmosphere for contaminant i, expressed in terms of the liquid-phase concentration |
cm yr-1 |
Kowi |
octanol-water partition coefficient for contaminant i |
unitless |
Krd |
snowmelt occurring by radiation in a half-day in clear weather |
cm |
Krdj |
average snowmelt occurring by radiation in a half-day in clear weather for the j-th month |
cm |
analogue of the modified "Henry's Law" constant for contaminant for partitioning between NAPL and aqueous phases |
unitless |
Lr |
surface roughness length |
m |
Lroad |
distance of travel over contaminant surface |
km |
Lslope |
slope length |
cm |
Lx |
dimension of the contaminated aquifer source zone parallel to flow |
cm |
Ly |
horizontal dimension of the contaminated aquifer source zone perpendicular to flow |
cm |
Lz |
vertical dimension of the contaminated aquifer source zone perpendicular to flow |
cm |
mLS |
exponent in the LS-factor equation |
unitless |
Mi |
total mass or activity of contaminant i in the source zone |
g or Ci |
Mio |
initial total mass or activity of contaminant i in the source zone |
g or Ci |
Mio' |
total mass or activity of contaminant i in the source zone at the time the zone was subjected to ISV remediation |
g or Ci |
Mio" |
total mass or activity of contaminant i in the source zone at the time the zone was subjected to ISS remediation |
g or Ci |
Mi,p |
total mass or activity of the p-th member of the decay/degradation chain that starts with contaminant i |
g or Ci |
Mmi |
molecular weight of contaminant i |
g mol-1 |
Mveh |
mean vehicle weight |
Mg |
n |
time step index used in the Runge-Kutta equations |
unitless |
nc |
total number of contaminants in the source zone |
unitless |
ncn |
total number of constituents in the NAPL phase |
unitless |
ndj |
number of days in the j-th month |
unitless |
np |
number of day with at least 0.254 mm (0.01 in) of precipitation per year |
unitless |
npj |
number of precipitation events during the j-th month |
unitless |
nscs |
SCS Curve Number used for runoff calculations |
unitless |
nv |
average number of vehicles traveling over the contaminated surface per day |
vehicle d-1 |
nw |
mean number of wheels on a vehicle |
unitless |
pj |
mean daily percentage of total annual daytime hours as a function latitude for the j-th month |
unitless |
P2,6 |
2-year recurrence interval, 6-hr duration rainfall depths |
cm |
Pclay |
percent clay |
unitless |
Pfact |
erosion control practice factor |
unitless |
Pom |
percent organic matter |
unitless |
Psand |
percent sand |
unitless |
Psilt |
percent silt plus very fine sand |
unitless |
qw |
Darcy flux density of water flowing through the aquifer or vadose zone |
cm yr-1 |
Qover |
total flux of aqueous solution, sediment, and NAPL globules as pond runoff |
cm3 yr-1 |
Qw |
volumetric flux of water flowing through the aquifer source zone or vadose zone source zone, or out of the bottom of a pond/surface impoundment source zone |
cm3 yr-1 |
r |
index of contaminants other than contaminant i |
unitless |
rg |
mass dissolution rate of glass in an ISV waste form per surface area |
g yr-1 cm-2 |
rsun(j) |
ratio of actual to maximum possible sunshine hours for the j-th month |
unitless |
R |
Universal gas constant |
atm L mol-1 K-1 |
Raj |
extraterrestrial radiation, in equivalent evaporation for the j-th month |
mm d-1 |
Rfact |
rainfall erosivity factor |
(100m)(t ha-1) (cm yr-1) |
Ri |
retardation factor, or phase apportionment factor, for contaminant i |
unitless |
Rnj |
net radiation, in equivalent evaporation, for the j-th month |
mm d-1 |
Rnlj |
net longwave radiation, in equivalent evaporation for the j-th month |
mm d-1 |
Rnsj |
net shortwave radiation, in equivalent evaporation, for the j-th month |
mm d-1 |
Rsj |
solar radiation, in equivalent evaporation, for the j-th month |
mm d-1 |
S |
volumetric wind suspension rate |
cm yr-1 |
Sfact |
slope length and steepness factor |
unitless |
Sm(j) |
soil moisture storage for the j-th month |
cm |
Sslope |
slope gradient (in percent) |
unitless |
Sstruc |
soil structure index |
unitless |
t |
time since initial condition of the source zone |
yr |
t1/2i |
decay/degradation half life of contaminant i in any phase |
yr |
tn |
value of time equal to nDt |
yr |
T |
absolute temperature |
K |
T12 |
average 12-hr temperature |
oC |
T24 |
average daily air temperature |
oC |
T6 |
average 6-hr temperature |
oC |
Taj |
adjusted average monthly temperature at the actual site for the j-th month |
oC |
Tuj |
unadjusted average monthly temperature at the LCD station for the j-th month |
oC |
average wind speed |
m s-1 |
U6,15 |
average 6-hr wind velocity measured at 15m (50ft) above ground |
m s-1 |
Uc |
critical wind speed at the reference height above the soil surface |
m s-1 |
Ud2j |
mean monthly daytime wind speed at a 2-m height for the j-th month |
m s-1 |
Uf |
threshold friction velocity |
m s-1 |
average wind speed at a reference height above the soil surface |
m s-1 |
Umax |
maximum wind speed at a reference height above the soil surface |
m s-1 |
mean annual wind speed |
m s-1 |
vveh |
mean vehicle speed |
km hr-1 |
V |
overall volume of the contaminated source zone |
cm3 |
Vg |
volume of cracked glass in an ISV waste form |
cm3 |
Vgo |
initial volume of cracked glass in an ISV waste form |
cm3 |
wpj |
accumulated potential water loss for the j-th month |
cm |
water-holding capacity of the soil |
cm |
Xoi |
mole fraction of contaminant i in the NAPL phase |
unitless |
z |
distance from the initial position of the soil surface to the top of the source zone at time t |
cm |
zb |
distance from the initial position of the soil surface to the top of the source zone at any time |
cm |
zt |
distance from the initial position of the soil surface to the initial position of the top of the source zone (i.e., initial thickness of clean layer) |
cm |
a |
land surface reflectiveness correction parameter |
unitless |
ß |
bulk density of the solid-sorbent phase |
g cm-3 |
ßs |
soil bulk density for an aquifer or vadose zone |
g cm-3 |
ßss |
concentration of suspended sediment in the pond water |
g cm-3 |
Dt |
time step size in Runge-Kutta calculations |
yr |
li |
first-order decay/degradation coefficient for contaminant i |
yr-1 |
li,k |
first-order decay/degradation coefficient for the k-th member of the decay/degradation chain that starts with contaminant i |
yr-1 |
rg |
density of glass in an ISV waste form |
g cm-3 |
rli |
density of contaminant i in the pure liquid form
g cm-3 |
s |
constant in the estimation equation for Rnlj |
unitless |
qa |
volumetric air content of the soil |
unitless (cm3 cm-3) |
qw |
volumetric water content of the soil |
unitless (cm3 cm-3) |
qt |
total porosity of the soil |
unitless (cm3 cm-3) |