5.4.4 Volatilization

     The conceptual model for volatilization from the vadose zone source zone is as follows. Only contaminants with modified (dimensionless) Henry's Law constants 10-7 are assumed to volatilize.(a) There is no contaminant gas generation (e.g., caused by microbial metabolic processes) in the source zone, as there sometimes is in landfills. There may initially be a layer of uncontaminated soil above the contaminant source zone. If this clean layer exists initially, it is assumed to be relatively porous (the same as the rest of the soil in the source zone); i.e., it is not a compacted cap layer that has gaseous permeability or vapor diffusion properties that are significantly lower than those within the contaminated zone. The source zone is assumed to be a so-called "well-mixed reactor," which means that the vapor concentration of any contaminant in the air-filled pores is spatially uniform throughout the source zone. Hence, no vapor diffusion takes place within the source zone. Contaminant vapor is assumed to diffuse through the clean layer from the uppermost edge of the source zone toward the soil surface (and then be lost as volatilization into the atmosphere). In addition, note that even though the contaminant also resides in the aqueous phase in the source zone, it is assumed that upward diffusive transport in the water phase is negligible compared to the vapor transport. Furthermore, it is assumed that contaminant vapor diffuses through the clean layer quickly enough that contaminant within the source zone cannot redistribute itself fast enough to maintain the source zone at its current dimensions (with the overall total concentration falling over time uniformly at all locations due to the volatilization process). Rather, the conceptual model assumes that contaminants are preferentially stripped away from the uppermost end of the source zone to satisfy the volatilization flux. This means that the thickness of the source zone decreases over time as the uppermost boundary recedes to deeper depths (and the clean layer gets thicker). The vapor diffusion process is assumed to be quasi-steady-state, which means that the flux is always described by a steady-state diffusion expression, even though the thickness of the diffusion zone is changing over time and the contaminant's vapor concentration in the source zone may change over time, as the top of the source zone recedes. This conceptual model (which predicts recession of an infinitely steep contamination front) is an idealization of the actual diffusive stripping process (which would predict recession of a sigmoidally shaped front).

     If a clean layer of soil does not initially exist above the contaminated source zone, the stripping away of contaminants from the top of the source zone (as described above) quickly creates one. When volatilization is the only loss process occurring, the thickness of this clean layer continues to grow over time, once it has been formed.

     The theory implemented in the source-term release module to estimate the mass flux to volatilization is based on the derivations of Thibodeaux and Hwang (1982). Their conceptual model for the source zone is similar to that described above, except that in their model a clean layer always exists initially, the source zone always contains a NAPL phase, and the contaminant mass partitioned into the aqueous and solid-sorbent phases is negligible. Their previous work had only considered a pure NAPL phase (i.e., a NAPL phase composed of only one constituent). Thibodeaux and Hwang (1982) extend their previous theory to apply to contaminants that are present as dilute constituents of a NAPL phase mixture.

     With the conceptual model of Thibodeaux and Hwang (1982), the mass flux equation for volatilization from a source zone through a clean layer is given by

     With volatilization from the upper boundary of the source zone being the only loss route, the overall total concentration of a contaminant in the source zone is always equal to its initial concentration. Using this fact, the rate of reduction of contaminant mass in the source zone due to recession of the top boundary is given by

     Based on mass balance considerations for any contaminant individually, the volatilization mass loss rate must equal the rate of reduction of contaminant mass in the source zone due to recession of the top boundary. Equating the right-hand sides of Equations 5.73 and 5.74, and rearranging the resulting equation, gives the recession rate of the top of the source to be

     Assuming that the contaminant's vapor concentration in the source zone also remains constant in time, Equation 5.75 can be rearranged and integrated to obtain an analytical expression for the clean layer thickness, z, as a function of time. When this expression is substituted into Equation 5.73, the mass flux equation for volatilization becomes

     There are, however, a number of reasons why the theory of Thibodeaux and Hwang (1982) is not adequate for our purposes. Firstly, their theory does not explicitly describe how to predict loss flux from source zones that do not contain a NAPL phase (or that contain one initially that disappears during the course of the simulation). Secondly, their theory is not applicable to a contaminant when it is an intermediate or primary constituent of the NAPL phase. In the limit of dilute NAPL-phase concentration for the contaminants under study, Thibodeaux and Hwang (1982) appropriately used a type of Henry's Law to represent the contaminant vapor concentration in Equations 5.73 through 5.76. But they did not specify how to do the calculations when Henry's Law was not valid. Thirdly, because this theory is merely a simple modification of their theory for a pure NAPL phase, it predicts the rate of increase of clean layer thickness based on the removal of only the contaminant being analyzed at that time. Hence, if multiple contaminants in a NAPL phase are to be analyzed, their theory would only be internally self-consistent if all other constituents of the NAPL phase are volatilizing at a rate that would cause the clean layer thickness to increase at the same rate. This clearly would not be true in general. Fourthly, because their equations for a given contaminant assume that the contaminant concentration in the NAPL phase is constant in time, their theory would only be internally self-consistent if other constituents of the NAPL phase are being removed at rates that keep the relative composition of the remaining NAPL constant in time. This clearly also would not be true in general.

     Therefore, when volatilization is the only mass loss process, a more appropriate way for the source-term release module to calculate the mass flux is as follows. In general, the mass flux equation for volatilization from a source zone through a clean layer is still given by Equation 5.73. However, when mass balance arguments are made as in Thibodeaux and Hwang (1982) (i.e., for each contaminant individually), a separate source zone boundary recession rate is calculated for each contaminant. If the module actually used all of these individual recession rates, what this would mean in terms of predicted behavior in the overall problem scenario is that a vertical spatial gradient in NAPL-phase composition would immediately develop as more highly volatile compounds are preferentially removed from the upper portions of the source zone. While this may be physically reasonable, it is inconsistent with our assumption that the source zone is a "well-mixed reactor." Because the NAPL phase partitioning theory assumes that all NAPL components are in a zone of the same size, as soon as a spatial gradient in NAPL-phase composition developed (because of the recession rate theory), the module would be calculating NAPL-phase mole fractions that are inconsistent with this conceptualization (and errors caused by the inconsistency would be compounded over time).

     If a contaminant is not a component of the NAPL phase, its phase partitioning behavior does not depend on any components of the NAPL phase, or any other contaminants in general. Furthermore, all contaminants that cannot be part of a NAPL phase (i.e., contaminants with KHi< 10-7) are assumed to be nonvolatile (i.e., are assigned values of Dvi that are identically equal to zero); which means that there is no change in position of the top boundary of the source zone due to volatilization when calculated individually for these contaminants. Many of these contaminants can decay/degrade into other contaminants, but none of these other contaminants are contaminants that may be a component of the NAPL phase. In addition, no contaminant that may be a component of the NAPL phase can decay/degrade into any of the non-NAPL phase contaminants. All of this means that the overall source zone can be conceptualized as two separate problems: one that consists of all of the non-NAPL contaminants and one that consists of all the NAPL components. The problem that consists of all non-NAPL contaminants will have a single, "well-mixed reactor" source zone over time by default. For the problem that consists of all NAPL-phase components, the source-term release module uses the individual recession rates calculated for each component of the NAPL phase to obtain a single overall rate of recession of the upper source zone boundary for these contaminants.
  To do this, first consider that the volume of the source zone at any time is given by Equation 5.69, and the thickness of the source zone at any time is given by

Using Equations 5.69 and 5.77, the rate of reduction of contaminant mass in the source zone due to recession of the top boundary is given by

(Note that Equation 5.78 is analogous to Equation 5.74.) Again, equating the right-hand sides of Equations 5.73 and 5.78, and rearranging the resulting equation, gives the recession rate of the top of the source to be

     Because the vapor concentration in Equation 5.79 is not a simple function of the contaminant mass when a NAPL phase is present, and because the contaminant mass is not constant in time, Equation 5.79 cannot be rearranged and integrated to obtain a general analytical expression for the clean layer thickness, z, as a function of time. Hence, even when volatilization is the only loss process occurring, the source-term release module must solve a mathematical problem (for each contaminant) that consists of simultaneously solving Equations 5.73, and 5.79.

     For contaminants that are components of the NAPL phase, the module then calculates a single updated position of the top boundary of the source zone by taking an average of the individual updated positions predicted by the solution of Equation 5.79, weighted by the mole fraction of the contaminant:

     (In Equation 5.80, the subscript i on the variable z denotes that this is the updated position of z as calculated for an individual contaminant.) With this approach, contaminants that are present in the NAPL phase in higher proportions will have a greater influence on how much the top boundary of the source zone recedes.

     When a NAPL phase exists in the source zone, the vapor concentration of the contaminant is controlled by the composition of the NAPL phase. In this case, the source-term release module calculates the value of Cvi in Equations 5.73 and 5.79 by the phase partitioning theory described in Section 2.2.4 (which uses different methods, depending on the mole fraction [or concentration] of the contaminant in the NAPL phase).

     When no NAPL phase exists in the source zone, the vapor concentration can be calculated by a simple partitioning relation (i.e., Equation 2.8 in Section 2.2.3). If the volume of the source zone is given by Equation 5.69, and the thickness, h, of the source zone is given by Equation 5.77, these equations can be substituted into Equation 2.8, and the resulting expression can be substituted into Equation 5.73. Therefore, in this case (when volatilization is the only loss process occurring and no NAPL phase exists), the mass flux equation for contaminant loss from the source zone by volatilization is given by

Similarly, the equation giving the rate of recession of the top boundary of the source zone (when no NAPL phase exists) is given by

     The above derivations relate to the case where a clean layer always exists above the contaminated source. When the soil is initially contaminated all the way up to the soil surface (i.e, when zt = 0) Equation 5.73 or 5.81 would predict an infinite volatilization mass flux initially because the thickness of the diffusion zone, z, would be zero. This is, of course, not what would happen in the real-world situation. In reality, a concentration gradient immediately develops at the soil surface, and volatilization loss is governed by a transient-state diffusion process. Contaminant mass is stripped away from the surface and a "relatively clean" layer begins to develop at the surface (i.e., there is a region near the surface, above the sigmoidally-shaped contaminant front, where the contaminant concentration is very close to zero). Eventually, when this region becomes thick enough, the volatilization behavior becomes more like that predicted by the idealized conceptual model used in the module. So, when no clean layer exists initially, the module uses an alternate expression for the volatilization flux (instead of Equation 5.73 or 5.81) to calculate a bounding value for this flux at the initial time step. Furthermore, even when a clean layer exists (either initially, or when one forms at subsequent time steps), the module uses this same alternate expression to calculate a bounding value for the flux at time steps when Equation 5.73 or 5.81 would predict finite, but unreasonably high, values of flux (because z is nonzero but still very small). This alternate expression is derived from the transient-state diffusion model described above. This model, called the "Contaminated Soil Gradient Model," was one of the volatilization scenarios that users could select for the vadose zone source zone in previous versions of MEPAS (see Droppo and Buck 1996). The mass flux equation for contaminant loss by volatilization for this model is given by

where Ctio is the value of overall total concentration of contaminant i used at the beginning of a time step in the bounding calculation for volatization (g cm-3 or Ci cm-3).

     Equation 5.83 gives the instantaneous volatilization loss at time t since the initial incorporation of contaminant into the soil at a spatially uniform overall total concentration of CTio. Note that because of the infinite concentration gradient at the soil surface at t = 0, Equation 5.83 also predicts an infinite flux at t = 0. However, this infinite flux would only last for an infinitesimally small time. Therefore, the "Contaminated Soil Gradient Model" actually calculates an average value of the flux for a given time period, which we will take to be the length of our time step. The mass flux equation for average contaminant loss (over a time period t) by volatilization for this model is given by

     The value calculated by Equation 5.84 is considered an upper bounding value because we realize that the volatilization rate should not be greater than what would be predicted by the transient-state diffusion problem at initial times, and because of the way we calculate CTio, and the fact that we use t. Equations 5.83 and 5.84 were developed under the assumption that no NAPL phase exists in the source zone. Implicit in these equations is the idea that the contaminant's vapor concentration can be calculated by simple partitioning theory (i.e., Equation 2.8). When Equation 5.84 is used to calculate the values for mass loss at a particular time step, CTio is calculated by

     This means that when a NAPL phase is present, the implicit vapor concentration in Equation 5.84 is greater than what it would really be because all of the contaminant mass is considered as part of the aqueous, sorbed, and vapor phases only. So the flux value calculated by Equation 5.84 is biased to be an upper bound. Furthermore, by using Equation 5.84 for any time step, the module is in effect calculating a value that is commensurate with the idea that the contaminant's mass at the beginning of that time step has been redistributed all the way up to the soil surface again. Again, this produces a value biased to be an upper bound compared to using the actual value of t.

  Substituting Equation 5.85 into Equation 5.84, the volatilization loss of a contaminant, as calculated by the bounding value, is given by

     Equating the right-hand sides of Equations 5.78 and 5.86 according to mass balance arguments, the rate of recession of the top boundary of the source zone based on an individual contaminant (when a bounding value for volatilization is used) is given by

     Equation 5.87 is solved to get an updated value of z for any contaminant where a bounding value is used for volatilization loss. These values of zi for NAPL-phase components are then used by the module in conjunction with updated values of z for other NAPL-phase components (obtained by solving either Equation 5.79 or 5.82) to calculate the single rate of recession of the top boundary of the source zone for NAPL components by using Equation 5.80.

     To summarize, for each contaminant, the mass flux equation for contaminant loss from the source zone by volatilization is given by Equation 5.73 when a NAPL phase exists in the source zone, and Equation 5.81 when no NAPL phase exists in the source zone, unless this value is greater than the bounding value calculated by Equation 5.86. In this event, the mass flux equation is given by Equation 5.86. In addition, when bounding values are not used for volatilization fluxes, the rate of change in position of the upper boundary of the source zone (which will recede due to volatilization losses), based on an individual contaminant, is given by Equation 5.79 when a NAPL phase exists in the source zone, and Equation 5.82 when no NAPL phase exists in the source zone. If a bounding value is used for the volatilization flux, the rate of change in position of the upper boundary of the source zone, based on an individual contaminant, is given by Equation 5.87. For contaminants that are components of a NAPL phase, Equation 5.80 is then used to calculate a single updated position of the top boundary of the source zone for all of the NAPL-phase components.

This screening is accomplished by assigning a value of zero to the effective vapor diffusion coefficients of all contaminants with KHi < 10-7