5.9 Using Known Fluxes
For the contaminated vadose zone case, the known
flux capabilities of the module can be applied to leaching, water erosion,
wind suspension, and volatilization. Known flux capabilities can be used
in two ways for each pathway. The first way to use known fluxes for leaching
would be to pass known leaching flux rates to the groundwater transport
code. The second way would be to "turn leaching off", by inputting a known
leaching flux of 0. The same is true for the water erosion, wind suspension
pathway, and the volatilization pathway. The volatilization pathway offers
an additional method for adjusting flux. An adjustment factor (called the
volatization ratio) is multiplied by [dMi/dt]vol
to reduce the volatization flux. The overall treatment of mass loss in
the source-term module does not change. The known leach rate replaces the
calculated value for [dMi/dt]leach, the known water
erosion rate replaces the calculated [dMi/dt]eros,
the known wind suspension rate replaces the calculated [dMi/dt]susp,
and the known volatilization rate replaces the calculated [dMi/dt]vol
in Equation 5.56. All other calculations are done identically to the calculated
flux cases.