3.3 Numerical Solution Procedure for the General Case
In the general case of multiple, concurrent, contaminant loss routes,
an analytical solution to Equation 3.4 is not always possible for the following
reasons. Firstly, if a NAPL phase is present in the source zone,
the leaching term cannot be expressed as a single, simple function of Mi
and t. Secondly, even if a NAPL phase did not exist, the leaching term
may be an arbitrary function of time. By this we mean that the Darcy
water flux density in the aquifer (for the scenario under study) may vary
in time due to natural phenomena or the implementation of remediation methodologies.
The user has the ability to enter the Darcy water flux density in the aquifer
as a time series of discrete values. There are no hard limits on
the number of elements constituting the time series used to describe such
a parameter. The code will allocate available memory as it is needed.
Therefore any arbitrary transient Darcy water velocity can be accommodated,
provided memory and run time limits are not exceeded.
Equation 3.4 can be represented by the general form:
where f(•), f1(•), and f2(•) are generic representation
of functions.
The source-term release module solves this first-order, ordinary differential
equation numerically by using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method.
This method requires four computations of the function f(•) for each time
step (Dt). However, one of the benefits
of this method over other methods is that a larger time step can be used
while keeping the error below some desired level. This method has
an accumulated error on the order of (Dt).
This means that if you cut the time step in half, you decrease the error
by a factor of 16. In comparison, if Euler's method was used, cutting
the time step in half would only decrease the error by a factor of 2.
The Runge-Kutta method can therefore use a much larger time step than the
Euler method, which will more than compensate for the extra computations
required per time step.
The numerical solution algorithm begins at time t = 0 with Mi
= Mio. The Runge-Kutta algorithm for updating contaminant
mass over the course of a time step is given by
where the terms in Equation 3.14 are given by
where Mi(tn) is the value of Mi at time nDt, and tn is the time nDt.
The value of Mi is therefore updated in a stepwise fashion
over finite intervals of time.
Note that because the function f(•) can be expressed as the sum
of the functions f1(•) and f2(•) (from Equation 3.13),
the Runge-Kutta procedure used to update the total contaminant mass in
the source zone (described in Equations 3.14 - 3.18) contains calculations
of the k1 through k4 terms that would be associated
with the individual functions f1(•) and f2(•).
Because these functions are associated with the individual mass loss terms,
the numerical scheme allows us to also obtain the individual mass fluxes
to each loss route at discrete times with minimal extra computation.
This entire procedure is repeated as long as not all of the contaminant
mass has been depleted from the source zone.