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Water Concentration File (.WCF)

There are currently four qualified types of the WCF, those qualifiers are: "Aquifer-Total", "Aquifer", "Surface Water-Total" and "Surface Water". When the qualifier "Surface Water" or "Aquifer" is used, "-Dissolved" is implied. The constituent concentrations units depend whether the constituent is a radionuclide or chemical and constituent phase measured. The concentration values are the instantaneous values at a time and location not an average. Every data set denotes another location, in most cases a downstream icon. There are NO limits on number of data sets, constituents, progeny, and time/concentration pairs. Aqueous concentrations are limited to the solubility of constituents.

The following outline is a description of the basic information provided in the WCF. This file may be modified through an API. See the Software Development Kit (SDK) for more information. An example WCF is included after the outline. Comparing the line-by-line description in the outline to the example should clarify and help locate data contained in the WCF. Lines beginning with ';' are descriptive comments only and will not appear in the actual WCF.

For each 'Module' producing a WCF section
  A line with:
    Module Name - [STRING]
    Number of Lines in section - [INTEGER]
  End Line
  A line with:
    Number of Header Lines - [INTEGER]
  End Line
  For each 'Header Line'
    A line with:
      Header information - [STRING]
    End Line
  Next 'Header Line'
  A line with:
    Number of Data Sets - [INTEGER]
  End Line
  For each 'Data Set'
    A line with:
      Data Set name - [STRING]
        ;This is the location name or ID.
        ;If the set is intended for a particular consuming module's use then
        ;  'Data Set Name' = Consuming Module ID
        ;ElseIf the set is intended for any and all consuming modules then
        ;  'Data Set Name' = "All" or user may be module defined
        ;  'Number of Data Sets' = 1
      Valid WCF Qualifier for this data set - [STRING]
        ;"Aquifer-Total" / "Aquifer" / "Surface Water-Total" / "Surface Water"
      Number of Constituents - [INTEGER]
      Measurements' Easting - [FLOAT]
      Easting unit - [Const STRING] - "m"
      Measurements' Northing - [FLOAT]
      Northing unit - [Const STRING] - "m"
      Measurements' Depth below water level - [FLOAT]
      Depth unit - [Const STRING] - "m"
    End Line
    For each 'Constituent'
      A line with:
        Constituent name - [STRING]
        Constituent ID - [STRING]
        Time unit - [Const STRING] - "yr"
        Concentration unit - [Const STRING]
          ;File qualifier determines concentration units and aids in connection scheme:
            ;Aquifer - "pCi/mL" / "g/mL" - Dissolved mass in water per volume of water
            ;Surface Water - "pCi/mL" / "g/mL" - Dissolved mass in water per volume of water
            ;Aquifer-Total - "pCi/mL" / "g/mL" - Total mass in water per volume of water
            ;Surface Water-Total - "pCi/mL" / "g/mL" - Total mass in water per volume of water
        Number of Time Concentration Pairs - [INTEGER]
        Number of Progeny - [const INTEGER] - 0
        ;  must be set to zero for 1.6+ specifications
      End Line
      For each 'Time Concentration Pair'
        A line with:
          Time - [FLOAT]
          Constituent Concentration - [FLOAT]
        End Line
      Next 'Time Concentration Pair'
    Next 'Constituent'
  Next 'Data Set'
Next 'Module'

This WCF Example was created using the case_01 test case. For testing information visit the Frames Wiki Wiki Testing page.

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