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Ecological Effects File (.EXF)

There is one qualifying type of an EXF: "Aquatic Ecological Effects". The output may be placed in a comma-separated file with an EXF extension. A module section can contain the appropriate dataset portion of the psuedo code for the qualifying type.

The following outline is a description of the basic information provided in an EXF. An example EXF is included after the outline. Comparing the line-by-line description in the outline to the example should clarify and help locate data contained in the EXF. Lines beginning with ';' are descriptive comments only and will not appear in the actual EXF.

Aquatic Ecological Effects

This output type describes the effects based on an acute duration, continuous criterion and effects curve. The data set also provides the probability of equaling or exceeding a concentration based on the input concentration curve.

For each 'Module' producing an EXF section
  A line with:
    Module Name - [STRING]
    Number of Lines in section - [INTEGER]
  End Line
  A line with:
    Number of Header Lines - [INTEGER]
  End Line
  For each 'Header Line'
    A line with:
      Header information - [STRING]
    End Line
  Next 'Header Line'
  A line with:
    Number of Data Sets - [INTEGER]
  End Line
  A line with:
    Effects label - [Const STRING] - "Aquatic Organism Effects"
    Exposure Site name - [STRING]
    Number of Organisms - [INTEGER]
  End Line
  For each 'Organism'
    A line with
      Organism Common Name - [STRING]
      Organism Scientific Name - [STRING]
      Number of Constituents - [INTEGER]
    End Line
    For each 'Constituent'
      A line with
        Constituent Name - [STRING]
        Constituent CASID - [STRING]
        Number of Effect Regions - [INTEGER]
      End Line
      For each ‘Effect Region'
        A line with:
          Percent of Time Organism Exceeding Effect - [FLOAT]
          Effect Description - [STRING]
        End Line
      Next ‘Effect Region’
      A line with:
        Number of Probabilities - [INTEGER]
        Concentration unit - [Const STRING] - "g/ml"
        Probability unit - [Const STRING] - "%"
      End Line
      For each ‘Probability'
        A line with:
          Concentration - [FLOAT]
          Probability - [FLOAT]
        End Line
      Next ‘Probability’
    Next ‘Constituent’
  Next ‘Organism’
Next 'Module'

This EXF Example was created using the base04 test case. For testing information visit the Frames Wiki Wiki Testing page.

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