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Requirements for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module, PNNL-SA-32279

1.0 Introduction

When the user knows the release rates of the constituents, the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module is generally the starting module for most analyses. This module provides the user a way to input the user-defined constituent mass fluxes for each constituent and the user-defined media flux rates. This document contains the requirements for this module and can be used by software engineers and testers to ensure the module functions properly. A test plan can be developed from this document. Test cases will be developed from the test plan to ensure that the product meets the needs of the client(s) and to establish a baseline version of the module.

2.0 Purpose of FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module

The purpose of the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module is to allow the user to input user-defined constituent and media release rates into FRAMES to be used by fate and transport and exposure modules. Both radionuclide and chemical information can be input into this module. These constituent mass fluxes are used to describe the loss of constituent from the defined source zone via loss routes to various environmental media (i.e., air, soil, and water), while the media release rates define the flow rates of the medium associated with the constituent mass fluxes. The constituent and media release rates are time varying and the user must define the time steps required. The user can define four different constituent mass flux rate types: infiltration, overland runoff, atmospheric, and/or soil contamination in the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module.

3.0 Summary of Requirements for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module

This section provides an overall summary of the requirements for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module. Detailed input, output, and scientific requirements are described in the sections that follow.

The FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module will
  1. allow the user to input time-varying, constituent mass flux and media release rates for water, air, soil, and overland release mechanisms
  2. allow at least 25 constituents to be evaluated for a scenario
  3. operate in Windows 95 and have a user-friendly interface with a standard windows look and feel
  4. produce AFF, WFF, and SCF following the FRAMES data file specifications.
4.0 Input Requirements for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module

The user will enter the input data required for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module via the Module User Interface (MUI). The MUI will allow the user to define the source problem and associated data. The three main inputs to the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module MUI are 1) the type of source being modeled, 2) time-varying, constituent mass fluxes, and 3) time-varying, media release rates. The media release rate types depend on which modules are connected to this source module. If a vadose module or aquifer module are connected, water fluxes will be required; if an overland module is connected, sediment fluxes will be required; if an atmospheric module is connected, air emission rates are required; and if an exposure module is connected, soil concentrations are required. The appropriate tabs should appear in the MUI based on the modules connected.

Some general requirements associated with the MUI include

  1. The MUI will operate in Windows 95 and will have a standard Windows look and feel.
  2. The MUI will have on-line help in an HTML format that provides users with an easy-to-understand description of all input parameters required by the MUI, as well as an About tab to inform the user of the module title, version number, and brief description.
  3. For all input parameters having dimensions associated with them, the MUI will provide users with a choice of units.
  4. The MUI will include a reference feature in which the source of the specified value for each input item can be referenced if the user desires.
  5. The MUI will always display the exact value and units in which the user originally entered each input data item, although the MUI will convert the dimensions of user input data values into the units needed by the model.
  6. The MUI will allow the user to use a reference for each of the input parameters.
  7. The MUI will show the range of values allowed for each input data item, when the cursor is positioned on that item, as a message at the bottom of the screen will appear. When an out-of-range value is entered in a field, the MUI will indicate this by a red background in the input field and an error message in addition to the allowed range message. Data input values within range are shown with a green field background.
The MUI for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module must allow the user to input all the required data to execute the module. This includes allowing the user to enter data for
  1. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous constituent mass fluxes and media release rates for water media (surface water or vadose zone medium)
  2. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous constituent mass fluxes and media release rates for overland medium
  3. user-defined, time-varying, annual average constituent mass fluxes and media release rates for air medium
  4. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous constituent concentrations for soil in the waste zone.
There are four main data categories associated with the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module and each of these categories, when selected, have data enters requirements. The following data are obtained from the MUI and are needed by the module: 1) water flux, 2) overland flux, 3) atmospheric flux, and 4) soil concentration.

The data requirements for the Water Flux category are

  1. medium type (vadose or surface water)
  2. width of flux plane
  3. length of flux plane
  4. distance below water table
  5. natural recharge rate
  6. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous constituent mass fluxes for each constituent
  7. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous medium release rates.
The data requirements for the Overland Flux category are:
  1. medium type (vadose or surface water)
  2. width of flux plane
  3. height of flux plane
  4. distance below water table
  5. natural recharge rate
  6. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous constituent mass fluxes for each constituent
  7. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous medium release rates.
The data requirements for the Atmospheric Flux category are
  1. flux types (gas 1, particle 1, particle 2, or particle 3)
  2. flux type flux density (gas and particles) and particle radius (particles only)
  3. type of Release (point or area)
  4. exit area of source
  5. exit height of source (point only)
  6. height of adjacent structures (point only)
  7. exit velocity of source (point only)
  8. exit temperature of source (point only)
  9. ambient air temperature (point only)
  10. user-defined, time-varying, annual average constituent mass fluxes for each constituent
  11. user-defined, time-varying, annual average medium release rates (gas or particle).
The data requirements for the Soil Concentration category are
  1. type of contaminated medium (vadose)
  2. width of contaminated soil
  3. length of contaminated soil
  4. depth of contaminated soil
  5. user-defined, time-varying, instantaneous constituent soil concentration for each constituent.
5.0 Output Requirements for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module

The FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module is required to output time-varying instantaneous, constituent mass fluxes for air, water and overland, as well as soil concentrations associated with the source medium. These outputs must meet the specifications of the FRAMES (Whelan et al. 1997). The mass flux of constituent to the air medium must be provided in the *.AFF file, the mass flux of constituent to the water and overland media in the *.WFF file, and the soil concentrations remaining at the source for each time step must be provided in the *.SCF file.

The FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module outputs the following data to the AFF, WFF, and SCF:

  1. time-varying, annual average constituent particle and gaseous emission rates (AFF)
  2. time-varying, instantaneous constituent infiltration and overland runoff flux rates (WFF)
  3. time-varying, instantaneous constituent soil concentrations at the source (SCF)
  4. time-varying, instantaneous infiltration, wind erosion, and soil erosion rates (WFF, AFF, and SCF, respectively).
6.0 Scientific Requirements for the FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module

The FRAMES User-Defined Source Release Module does not conduct computations that change the values input by the user except to convert units to internal FRAMES units. This is done by the MUI. No other scientific requirements exist for this Module.

7.0 Recommendations

The following is a list of recommendations on future additions and updates to this module. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive but modifications that have been suggested by user and developers. This list can be used to help prioritize modifications to this and other modules based on the overall strategy of the software system.

Recommended additions and modifications to this module are:

  1. Allow the user to enter known ground water or surface water concentrations (WCF format)
  2. Allow the user to enter know air concentrations and deposition rates (ATO format)
  3. Allow the user to enter known concentrations at the receptor for chemical and radionuclide (EPF format)
  4. Allow the user to enter known intake rates for chemicals and radionuclides (RIF format)
  5. Allow the user to enter known impact values for constituents by receptor (HIF format)
8.0 References

Whelan G., K. J. Castleton, J. W. Buck, G. M. Gelston, B. L. Hoopes, M. A. Pelton, D. L. Strenge, and R. N Kickert. 1997. Concepts of a Framework for Risk Analysis in Multimedia Environmental Systems (FRAMES). PNNL-11748, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.






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