Incorporating a Module into the FRAMEwork System (FRAMES)

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Step 4: Provide a Description of the Model

To ensure that users of FRAMES 2.0 only connect modules in appropriate ways, the system gathers information about the model. This information is stored in a module dataset. Most of the information is part of any good model documentation standard. This information includes the name of the model developer, amount of memory needed, and base formulations. Additional information includes references, company information, developer information, and requirements.

While this documentation, based on studies of model documentation standards, is useful, it is not complete enough for FRAMES 2.0 to determine if one module can provide the input another module needs. This relationship is explicitly described in the "Connection Schemes." In Connection Schemes, the developer states what kind (and number) of datasets a module can consume and produce by defining dictionaries a module can handle as a single simulation. If a module is flexible and can consume N inputs of a particular dictionary, a scheme is added for 1 input, 2 inputs, 3 inputs, and so on. Thus, the schemes represent all the allowable produce/consume relationships for a module. The scheme also defines which dictionary is used for user input.

The Module Editor is used to enter in module description information. To add a new module to FRAMES:

  1. On the Editors menu, click on "Module Editor."
  2. In the tree, select a class that best describes your module ("System," "Database," "Viewer," or "Model"). The list on the panel on the right shows all modules associated with that class.
  3. Click on the "New Module" button.
  4. An open file form will appear. Because we are adding a new module, select location and enter a name into the filename field that does not already exist, then click OK.
  5. A message box will appear notifying you that this file does not exist and prompting you to create this file. Click Yes.
  6. A new module has just been created and will appear in both the list in the panel on the right and also in the tree on the left beneath the current selected node.

When you click on the new module in the left panel, a list of information categories appears on the right. Clicking on each category and then the "Edit Info" button brings up a set of information items to be completed. Complete each item in each category. Some tips include:

  • On the Executable Information screen, put in the location of the Database Client Editor (DCE) if you choose to make that your user interface for the module. If FRAMES has been installed in the usual location, this path will be C:\Program Files\FRAMESV2\DCE.exe. Also, the two argument fields are where you can put additional arguments like the "/fast" argument discussed earlier.
  • On the Reference Information screen, the detailed description and reference information is very important for users trying to determine when to use the module. Provide details that would help this decision.

The Connection Schemes screen allows you to choose or edit the current list of schemes. The "Scheme Generator" button facilitates creating schemes for modules that have a large combination of inputs that are acceptable. Clicking the "Edit Scheme" button will allow you to choose which dictionaries are part of the "Consume" and "Produce" boundary conditions by simply using the up and down arrows buttons by the "Consume" and "Produce" lists.

Step 1: Add Units and Measures
Step 2: Define model inputs and boundary conditions
Step 3: Invoke the model
Step 5: Categorize the model

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