Incorporating a Module into the FRAMEwork System (FRAMES)

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Step 1: Add Units and Measures

The first step in adding a model to FRAMES 2.0 is to describe the units and measures used in the model. The term "units" is used conventionally. The measure concept allows the same units to be used in a number of different measurement contexts. For example, concentration in soil is commonly measured in ug/g, but if typical unit analysis is performed on this concentration, the "g" would cancel each other out, leaving the number unitless. What is happening is a convenience in unit notation. What ug/g actually represents is "ug of chemical/g of soil" but writing units this way would be laborious. So in FRAMES 2.0 the concept of a measure is bound to all units, thus creating a system that allows for convenient units as well as the needed precision. So the measure of "concentration" is bound to "ug/g". All units bound to the same measure are convertible between units in that measure. The conversion is done through a factor and an offset that define the linear relationship between the two units (within the same measure.)

To add units and measures to FRAMES 2.0,

  1. Catalog all measures and associated units the model needs for input or output. You could also add any additional conversion that might make your model more convenient for other users.
  2. Open FRAMES 2.0.
  3. Under the Editors Menu, select Conversion Editor.
  4. Click on Conversions at the top of the measure tree and view the list of measures currently in FRAMES. If the measures and units needed by the model are not on this list, you will need to add them.
  5. Add measures before adding units. To add a measure, click the "Add Measure" button. An input box will appear. Enter a name for the new measure and click OK.
  6. Another input box will appear. Enter a name for the base unit of the new measure and click OK.
  7. Another input box will appear. This is the abbreviated name for the base unit. Enter a name for the abbreviated version of the base unit and click OK.
  8. A new measure has been added to the tree on the left. Expand the tree to see the list of measures. Select the measure you just added. In the panel on the right-hand side, a single unit exists in the list. This is the base unit you just specified when creating the measure.
  9. Complete your measure by creating and editing the rest of the units. FRAMES assumes that all units within this measure can be converted to any other unit in the same measure. To add additional units, select your measure from the tree to the left.
  10. Click on the ?Add Unit? button.
  11. An input box will appear. Enter a name for the new unit and click OK.
  12. Another input box will appear. Enter a name for the abbreviated version of the new unit and click OK.
  13. A new unit has been added. Expand the tree on the left-hand side beneath the selected measure. Your new unit will appear with a list of all the other units belonging to the measure in question. Select your unit from the tree to view the properties of the unit.
  14. Continue adding measures and units until all needed by the model have been included in FRAMES.
Step 2: Define model inputs and boundary conditions
Step 3: Invoke the model
Step 4: Provide a description of the model
Step 5: Categorize the model

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