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Using Dictionaries to Manage Data Within a Modeling Framework System

Title Page
Legal Notice
Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Understanding Dictionaries
Creating Dictionaries
Further Reading


This report describes data management for a modeling FRAMEwork System (FRAMES), which provides a central development tool to support multiple user communities.  FRAMES is the product of sponsorship by the U.S.  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Offices of Research and Development (where it was used for analysis under the Hazardous Waste Identification Rule and 3MRA model development), and Radiation and Indoor Air, U.S.  Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Engineer Research and Development Center, U.S.  Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), U.S.  Department of Energy (DOE), and American Chemistry Council.

The design of FRAMES is based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) among eight federal agencies, establishing a framework for facilitating cooperation and coordination in research and development of multimedia environmental models, software, and related databases, including development, enhancements, applications, and assessments of site-specific, generic, and process-oriented multimedia environmental models as they pertain to human health and environmental assessment.  In addition to EPA, NRC, ACOE, and DOE, the MOU includes the U.S.  Geological Survey, Agricultural Research Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Natural Resources Conservation Service.

All dictionaries provided within FRAMES and discussed in this document can be found in the appendix.

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