4.0 Equation Notation
B = width of stream channel (cm)
C = dissolved instream contaminant concentration (g mL-1 or Ci mL-1)
Ci = decayed concentration of the i-th member of the decay chain (i = 1 for the parent, i = 2 for the first decay product,
etc.) (Ci mL-1)
Cn = contaminant concentration for the current receptor (g mL-1 or Ci mL-1)
Cn-1 = contaminant concentration for the previous receptor (g mL-1 or Ci mL-1)
Cp = undecayed parent concentration (Ci mL-1)
Dx,Dy,Dz = dispersion coefficients in the x-, y-, and z-directions, respectively (cm2 s-1)
f = fraction of the source term upstream of the receptor (dimensionless)
fn = fraction of the source term upstream of the current receptor (dimensionless)
fn-1 = fraction of the source term upstream of the previous receptor (dimensionless)
h = depth of stream (cm)
lm = lateral distance over which the contaminant is assumed to be uniformly distributed (equivalent to one-half the standard
deviation) (cm)
l'm = alternative lateral distance over which the contaminant is assumed to be uniformly distributed (cm)
lm(n) = lateral mixing length at the current receptor location (cm)
lm(n-1) = lateral mixing length at the previous receptor location (cm)
ls = total length of the source term (cm)+
lur = length of the source term upstream of the receptor (cm)
M = contaminant mass or activity per unit area (g cm-2 or Ci cm-2)
MT = total mass or activity being released from the waste site (g or Ci)
Qc = contaminant flux at the source (g s-1 or Ci s-1)
Qr = river discharge at the receptor location (cm3/s)
Qratio = dilution ratio (dimensionless)
Qr(n) = river discharge at the current receptor location (mL s-1)
Qr(n-1) = river discharge at the previous receptor location (mL s-1)
Qs = river discharge at the source location (cm3/s)
tt = representative contaminant travel time (s)
tm = time to achieve the fully mixed condition (i.e., representative contaminant travel time) (s)
u = average instream flow velocity (cm s-1)
u* = shear velocity (cm s-1)
x = downstream distance to receptor (cm)
y = lateral distance to receptor (cm)
b = proportionality constant used to calculate the lateral dispersion coefficient (dimensionless)
l = degradation/decay constant [= (ln 2)/(half-life)] (s-1)
l1 = radiological decay coefficient of the parent (s-1)
li = radiological decay coefficient of the i-th member of the decay chain (s-1)
x = proportionality constant in the alternative mixing length equation (dimensionless)
sl = standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution of the one-dimensional advective-dispersive equation in the lateral direction (cm)
t = time at which the release from the waste site ends (s)
f = proportionality constant in the alternative mixing length equation (reciprocal of x) (dimensionless)