3.0 Computational Techniques

    This chapter describes the techniques employed for radionuclide decay chains, mass conservation, and the measured concentration option.

3.1 Contaminant Degradation/Decay

    Although many chemicals have degradation rates that are different for dissolved and adsorbed phases, known degradation rates in many cases are lacking for each. Therefore, MEPAS assumes first-order degradation/decay for all contaminants. For radionuclides that produce decay products, the riverine model transports the decay products like the parent radionuclide. Once the parent reaches the receptor of concern, the model corrects for radiological decay in a separate calculation and the temporal distributions of the important decay products are computed using the Bateman equation (Bateman 1910):


Performing the decay computation after transporting the parent radionuclide to the receptor allows for more manageable computations.

    By using the Bateman equation to compute concentrations of decay products, the assumption is tacitly made that decay products travel at the same speed as the parent. This assumption poses no complications for the riverine pathway because no sediment adsorption is assumed to occur. Thus, all constituents travel at the same speed as the river flow velocity.

    When a contaminant has been disposed of, it spends a portion of its time at the source prior to release into the environment, and a portion of its time migrating in the environment (e.g., through a river system). The time frame associated with the solutions to the advective-dispersive equations with flux boundary conditions inherently includes the total time (i.e., time the contaminant is at the source and in the environment). After assessing a number of waste sites, it became apparent that this time frame was not necessarily the appropriate time to use for degradation/decay computations. The use of total simulation time is only appropriate if the contaminant degrades/decays at the same rate at the source as in the environment. For example, if a mass of radionuclide is placed in a landfill at the start of a simulation, it will decay at the same rate at the source and in the environment, and the use of total simulation time is appropriate. Under other circumstances, use of the total simulation time (which is standard practice) is inappropriate. Some examples are as follows:

    Based on these discussions, three conditions for calculating degradation/decay can exist. These are 1) degradation/decay at the source and in the environment, 2) degradation/decay at the source but not in the environment, and 3) degradation/decay in the environment but not at the source. The MEPAS methodology can handle all of these situations, because it allows the user to specify the correct conditions under which the contaminants will degrade/decay.(a) For the first condition, the total simulation time is used for computing degradation/decay, for the second, only the time at the source is used, and for the third, only the time in the environment is used.

    When simulating degradation/decay through multiple environmental media using the flux from the previous medium as a boundary condition for the succeeding medium (i.e., sequential modeling of media), only the travel times through the succeeding media should be included in the subsequent degradation/decay computations. If the total simulation time is included in the calculation, then degradation/decay in the previous media will be accounted for more than once. MEPAS has been formulated to assure that over accounting for decay does not occur.

    In addition to degradation/decay, mass loss by volatilization can also occur in the riverine environment. This loss is not computed by the surface-water component, but is taken into account by the exposure component of MEPAS. The mass loss is first order using the transit time in the surface water between the source and the receptor location along with a surface-water volatilization half-time, as described in Strenge and Chamberlain (1995).

3.2 Surface Water Mass Balance at the Source

    Because the solution to the surface-water transport algorithm is exact and in a closed form, the analytical algorithm, by definition, conserves mass as the contaminant migrates through the surface-water environment. Note that Equation 2.8 conserves mass once the contaminant has been released into the environment and does not account for the amount of contaminant remaining in the waste site. As a check on the information supplied by the investigator, MEPAS includes a contaminant mass balance check at the source. The investigator either indicates the contaminant mass entering the environment from the waste site or provides the necessary information (e.g., climatology, soil properties and contaminant inventory) so MEPAS can compute the contaminant mass flux from the waste site. The mass balance check then sums the contaminant mass flux over time using the following equation:



(a)  Only one degradation rate can be specified; the degradation/decay rate assumed at the source is equal to that in the environment, if degradation/decay occurs in both.  Different degradation rates are not possible using the semianalytical solutions in the MEPAS methodology; mass balance would be violated if different rates were identified.  The user has to decide a priori where degradation/decay will dominate (i.e., at the source, in the environment, or in both), based on the characteristics at the site. 

The total mass is then compared to the inventory at the waste site; if the mass released is greater than the inventory, the time duration associated with the release (t) is adjusted until the mass of the contaminant being released equals the inventory at the site. If the mass being released from the waste site is less than the inventory, the time duration of the release is not adjusted.

3.3 Measured Concentrations in the Groundwater Environment

    Contaminant levels are often measured in surface-water bodies prior to a complete remedial investigation at a waste site. Instances also occur where monitored contaminant levels are available, but the nature, extent, and sometimes source of contamination are unknown. A risk analysis methodology should be flexible enough to handle those situations where only monitored information is available from which to perform an analysis.

    The MEPAS methodology allows and encourages investigators to assess human health impacts using monitored data, whenever possible. As opposed to relying only on transport modeling with its inherent uncertainties to predict contaminant concentrations, actual observed concentrations can be used in the assessment. The concept is that monitoring data are usually more accurate than information resulting from a model simulation. If an investigator selects the measured concentrations option, no transport modeling is performed, and the investigator is required to supply a representative concentration for each constituent being analyzed. This single concentration value is assumed to be temporally constant, although first-order degradation/decay can be included in the analysis.

    If a measured contaminant level is used, as opposed to modeling contaminant transport from the source to the receptor, the investigator should understand the meaning of the measured value and the implications associated with using a measured concentration. For example, if a waste site is being assessed for radionuclides, measured contaminant levels for heavy metals at an intake structure should not necessarily be attributed to that particular waste site and indiscriminantly used for that site's assessment. Also, an observed concentration implies that the concentration is constant with respect to time; this assumption may be conservative or nonconservative, depending on whether the contaminant plume has passed or is still approaching the receptor location.

    If monitoring information is available at a receptor location and the nature, extent, and source of contamination are known, then the monitored information can be used to back calculate (i.e., calibrate) the transport modeling to ensure that the entire migrating plume is appropriately included in the assessment. Following the transport exercise, the monitored value is correlated to the simulated value, both spatially and temporally. Input parameters are modified, as appropriate, to ensure that the simulated and observed values match. Back calculation is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to ensure that any assumptions associated with the modeling scenario are appropriate. Failure to match observed values using input parameters that physically make sense may indicate that an important fate and transport process is not being captured by the current modeling scenario (e.g., sediment adsorption).