The exposure pathway equations given in Section 2.0
of this report describe evaluation of daily intake of chemicals and lifetime
dose from radionuclides. These equations can be re-written with separation
of the pollutant-specific parameters from parameters that are independent
of the pollutant. The pollutant-independent parameters can be combined
to provide a summary intake factor (SIF). The use of SIF values has been
proposed by others (USDOE 1993) and is useful in performing calculation
checks by hand. Summary intake factors can be calculated and provided as
input for all of the MEPAS exposure pathways. The SIF values for each run
are calculated (if not input) and printed in the output listings.
This section describes the equations for calculation
of SIF values for the 25 MEPAS exposure pathways. The nomenclature for
parameter symbols is the same as provided in Section 4.0 of this report.
Equations are provided by exposure pathway for the three pollutant types
(as appropriate for the particular exposure pathway): noncarcinogenic chemicals,
carcinogenic chemicals, and radionuclides.
The SIFs are combined with pollutant-specific parameters
in the exposure pathway assessment component of MEPAS to estimate daily
intake rates for chemicals and total doses (effective dose equivalent)
for radionuclides. The general equation for this analysis is as follows.
Dkkit = daily intake or total dose for exposure pathway kk for pollutant i of type t [mg/(kgŸd) or rem]
PFkkit = pollutant specific factor for exposure pathway kk for pollutant i of type t (units depend on pathway and pollutant type)
SIFkkt = summary intake factor for exposure pathway kk for pollutants of type t (units depend on pathway and pollutant type).
The calculation of the pollutant-specific factors, PFkkit, is
not defined explicitly in this report, but can be deduced by comparison
with equations in Section 2.0 of this report and the following equations
for SIFs.
- Exposure Pathway:
- Drinking Water Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdwn = summary intake factor for the drinking water ingestion exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdwc = summary intake factor for the drinking water ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸ d)].
SIFdwr = Udw Fdw Edw 365.25
where SIFdwr = summary intake factor for the drinking water ingestion
exposure pathway for radionuclides (L).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Shower Water Dermal Contact
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFsdn = summary intake factor for the shower water dermal
contact exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [LŸ
h/(kgŸ dŸ cm)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFsdc = summary intake factor for the shower water
dermal contact exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [LŸ
h/(kgŸ dŸ cm)].
where SIFsdr = summary intake factor for the shower water
dermal contact exposure pathway for radionuclides (LŸ
- Exposure Pathway:
- Shower Water Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFswn = summary intake factor for the shower water inadvertent
ingestion exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFswc = summary intake factor for the shower water inadvertent
ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸ
where SIFswr = summary intake factor for the shower water inadvertent
ingestion exposure pathway for radionuclides (L).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Leafy Vegetable Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFlvn = summary intake factor for the leafy vegetable
ingestion exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFlvc = summary intake factor for the leafy vegetable
ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸ
where SIFlvr = summary intake factor for the leafy vegetable
ingestion exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Other Vegetable Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFovn = summary intake factor for the other vegetable
ingestion exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFovc = summary intake factor for the other vegetable
ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸ
where SIFovr = summary intake factor for the other vegetable
ingestion exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Meat Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFmtn = summary intake factor for the meat ingestion exposure
pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFmtc = summary intake factor for the meat ingestion exposure
pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸ
where SIFmtr = summary intake factor for the meat ingestion
exposure pathway for radionuclides chemicals (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Milk Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFmkn = summary intake factor for the milk ingestion exposure
pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [L/(kdŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFmkc = summary intake factor for the milk ingestion exposure
pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [L/(kdŸ d)].
where SIFmkr = summary intake factor for the milk ingestion exposure
pathway for radionuclides (L).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Fin Fish Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFffn = summary intake factor for the fin fish ingestion
exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFffc = summary intake factor for the fin fish ingestion
exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸ d)].
where SIFffr = summary intake factor for the fin fish ingestion
exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Shellfish Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFsfn = summary intake factor for the shellfish ingestion
exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFsfc = summary intake factor for the shellfish
ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kdŸ
where SIFsfr = summary intake factor for the shellfish ingestion
exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Swimming Water Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFwwn = summary intake factor for the swimming water inadvertent
ingestion exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFwwc = summary intake factor for the swimming water inadvertent
ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸ
where SIFwwr = summary intake factor for the swimming water inadvertent
ingestion exposure pathway for radionuclides (L).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Swimming Dermal Contact
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFwdn = summary intake factor for the swimming water dermal
contact exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [LŸ
h/(kgŸ d cm)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFwdc = summary intake factor for the swimming water dermal
contact exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [LŸ
h/(kgŸ dŸ cm)].
where SIFwdr = summary intake factor for the swimming
water dermal contact exposure pathway for radionuclides (LŸ
- Exposure Pathway:
- Shoreline Dermal Contact
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFhdn = summary intake factor for the shoreline sediment
dermal contact exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kgŸ
ev/(kgŸ d)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFhdc = summary intake factor for the shoreline sediment
dermal contact exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kgŸ
ev/(kgŸ d)].
where SIFhdr = summary intake factor for the shoreline
sediment dermal contact exposure pathway for radionuclides (kgŸ
Exposure Pathway:
- Shoreline Sediment Ingestion
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFhsn = summary intake factor for the shoreline sediment
inadvertent ingestion exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFhsc = summary intake factor for the shoreline sediment
inadvertent ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸ
where SIFhsr = summary intake factor for the shoreline sediment
inadvertent ingestion exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Soil Ingestion, Air Deposition
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdsn = summary intake factor for the soil ingestion following
air deposition exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [m2/(kgŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdsc = summary intake factor for the soil ingestion following
air deposition exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [m2/(kgŸ
where SIFdsr = summary intake factor for the soil ingestion following
air deposition exposure pathway for radionuclides (m2).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Soil Ingestion, Measured Soil
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdsn = summary intake factor for the soil ingestion of
measured soil exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdsc = summary intake factor for the soil ingestion of
measured soil exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸ
where SIFdsr = summary intake factor for the soil ingestion of
measured soil exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Soil Dermal Contact, Air Deposition
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFddn = summary intake factor for the soil dermal contact
following deposition from air exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals
[m2Ÿ ev/(kgŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFddc = summary intake factor for the soil dermal contact
following deposition from air exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals
[m2Ÿ ev/(kgŸ
where SIFddr = summary intake factor for the soil dermal contact
following deposition from air exposure pathway for radionuclides (m2Ÿ ev).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Soil Dermal Contact, Measured Soil
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFddn = summary intake factor for the soil dermal contact
for measured soil exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kgŸ
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFddc = summary intake factor for the soil dermal contact
for measured soil exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kgŸev/(kgŸd)].
where SIFddr = summary intake factor for the soil dermal contact
for measured soil exposure pathway for radionuclides (kgŸev).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Special Foods
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFfdn = summary intake factor for the special (measured)
food ingestion exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFfdc = summary intake factor for the special (measured)
food ingestion exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸd)].
where SIFfdr = summary intake factor for the measured
food ingestion exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Indoor Inhalation from Volatilization
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFian = summary intake factor for the indoor air inhalation
of volatile pollutants exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFiac = summary intake factor for the indoor air inhalation
of volatile pollutants exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸd)].
where SIFiar = summary intake factor for the indoor air inhalation
of volatile pollutants exposure pathway for radionuclides (L).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Shower Air Inhalation
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFsin = summary intake factor for the shower air
inhalation of volatile pollutants exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic
chemicals [L/(kgŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFsic = summary intake factor for the shower air inhalation
of volatile pollutants exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [L/(kgŸd)].
where SIFsir = summary intake factor for the shower air inhalation
of volatile pollutants exposure pathway for radionuclides (L).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Air Inhalation
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFain = summary intake factor for air inhalation exposure
pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [m2/(kgŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFaic = summary intake factor for air inhalation exposure
pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [m2/(kgŸd)].
where SIFair = summary intake factor for air inhalation exposure
pathway for radionuclides (m2).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Inhalation of Resuspensed Soil
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdin = summary intake factor for inhalation of resuspended
soil following atmospheric deposition exposure pathway for non-carcinogenic
chemicals [m2/(kgŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdic = summary intake factor for inhalation of resuspended
soil following atmospheric deposition exposure pathway for carcinogenic
chemicals [m2/(kgŸd)].
where SIFdir = summary intake factor for inhalation of
resuspended soil following atmospheric deposition exposure pathway for
radionuclides (m2).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Inhalation of Suspended Soil
Noncarcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdin = summary intake factor for inhalation of suspended
soil for measured soil exposure pathway for noncarcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸd)].
Carcinogenic Chemicals
where SIFdic = summary intake factor for inhalation of suspended
soil for measured soil exposure pathway for carcinogenic chemicals [kg/(kgŸd)].
where SIFdir = summary intake factor for inhalation of
suspended soil for measured soil exposure pathway for radionuclides (kg).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Swimming External Radiation
where SIFwer = summary intake factor for external exposure
while swimming exposure pathway for radionuclides (h).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Boating External Radiation
where SIFber = summary intake factor for external exposure while
boating exposure pathway for radionuclides (h).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Shoreline External Radiation, Surface Water
where SIFher = summary intake factor for external exposure from
shoreline sediment activity exposure pathway for radionuclides (h).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Soil External Radiation, Air Deposition
where SIFder = summary intake factor for external exposure to
ground contamination from airborne deposition exposure pathway for radionuclides
- Exposure Pathway:
- Ground External Radiation, Measured Soil
where SIFder = summary intake factor for external exposure
to ground contamination for measured soil exposure pathway for radionuclides
- Exposure Pathway:
- Air External Radiation
where SIFaer = summary intake factor for external exposure
to airborne contamination exposure pathway for radionuclides (h).
- Exposure Pathway:
- Measured Direct Radiation
Radiation Fields
where SIFdrr = summary intake factor for external exposure measured
radiation fields soil exposure pathway (h).