While showering with domestic water, individuals may ingest water inadvertently resulting in a potential for health impacts. This exposure pathway is applicable to the groundwater and surface water transport pathways. As for the drinking water pathway, consideration is given to reductions of pollutant concentration during processing in the water supply treatment plant (if present) and in transport through the water distribution system to the exposed individuals. The surface water pathway also includes estimation of losses of volatile chemicals in transport between the point of entry to the surface water and the water intake plant.
Transport Medium:
water concentration at water treatment plant, Cdwi, pCi/L or mg/L, expressed as a 70-year average value

Special Process:
removal of pollutants during water treatment loss of pollutants (environmental degradation or radioactive decay) during transport from the treatment plant to the exposure location (households)loss of pollutants during transport in the surface water body by volatilization

Exposure Factors:
rate of inadvertent ingestion, frequency of exposure, and exposure duration.

The average daily dose for the inadvertent water ingestion while showering pathway for groundwater transport is evaluated as follows for chemical pollutants:


The averaging time for noncarcinogenic chemicals is set to the exposure duration, and the averaging time for carcinogenic chemicals is fixed at 70 years.

For radionuclide pollutants the total lifetime dose is evaluated, as follows, using the dose conversion factor to convert from intake (pCi) to dose (rem):

Ddwi = Cdwi TFi e (-lgiTHdw)Usw TEs FEsh Fsw DFgi EDdw 365.25


and other terms are as previously defined.

For the surface water transport pathway, the average daily dose is evaluated as for Equation (15), with the water concentration being corrected for loss during transport between the entry point to the surface water body and the pumping station as in Equation (3), as follows:

Cdwi = Cswi (0) e (-lsiTHsw)

