The trajectory and diffusion of an atmospheric plume are known to be influ-enced
by complex terrain. A number of models have been developed to emulate
special processes in complex terrain (i.e., Burt 1977; Hovind et al. 1979;
Strimaitis et al. 1983; Allwine and Whiteman 1988; Bader and Whiteman 1989).
The effects of the underlying surfaces can modify the transport, dis-per-sion,
and deposition processes. Areas with high ground-level concen-tra-tions
can occur as the result of two different complex terrain effects.
First, under moderate or high wind conditions, an elevated plume may impinge
on local topographical features resulting in localized high-level concentra-tions.
Second, under low wind or stable atmospheric conditions, a channeling of
releases in a single direction can maximize ground-level concentrations.
MEPAS accounts for the effects of underlying surfaces on the vertical wind
structure and the deposition rate of airborne pollutants onto these surfaces.
These formulations are designed to improve the computations of climatological
transport, dispersion, and deposition for a given site by using site-specific
input data.
A straight-line Gaussian atmospheric
model, which assumes the plume tra-jec-tories are in straight lines from
a central release point, cannot account for the processes in complex terrain
where the winds tend to follow local topo-graphical features (valleys,
gorges, slopes, etc.). A modified model has been developed that incorporates
the major influences of local channeling for wind channeling in the immediate
vicinity of the release.
An elevated release which is lower than surrounding terrain may inter-sect
local topographical features. Studies have shown that the tendency
for the plume to intersect a hill is a function of the ambient meteorological
condi-tions. The techniques described by Hanna et al. (1982) for
accounting for topographical interactions in complex terrain have been
adapted for appli-ca-tion in the MEPAS climatological dispersion component.
The formula-tions given below account for the tendency for winds to intersect
or flow over terrain features depending on ambient atmospheric conditions.