Landfills are differentiated from contaminated soil; volatile or semivolatile organics tend to occur in concentrated form within the landfill. A good example would be a landfill with volumes of leaking drums containing volatile organics covered with a layer of soil. The "Landfill" model presented below is also different than the "Contaminated Soil" model described above in that the emission rate is assumed to have reached a steady-state condition and thus is not changing with time.

        EPA's (1988, 1990) model for computing volatilization rates from "landfills without internal gas generation" is implemented in the user-interface (AG-VCASE = 1) of MEPAS 3.n versions. The model is based on Fick's first law of steady-state diffusion as developed by Farmer et al. (1978). Diffusion from the landfill to the atmosphere is assumed to occur from the reservoir of organic contaminants in the landfill through the landfill cover. The subsurface soil concentrations are assumed to be uniform. Processes such as biodegradation, transport in water, adsorption, and landfill gas production are not included in the model development; the diffusion of the constituents in the soil is assumed to be the controlling mechanism for vapor transport.

        Farmer's original model was modified and simplified by EPA (1980), Farino et al. (1983), and Shen (1981). The simplification included the assumption that the soil was completely dry to provide maximum volatilization rates based on the fact that diffusion in the pores in air is greater than diffusion in the pores in water. The MEPAS implementation of this model uses an expression that allows for soil moisture and comparison of results based on factors such as climatological differences. This expression can be simplified to a dry soil condition if the situation warrants. The resultant equation for the steady-state volatilization rate is



where        Ei = emission rate of constituent i (g/s)

                  Di = diffusion coefficient of constituent i in air (cm2/s)

                Csi = saturated vapor concentration of constituent i (g/cm3)

                  A = exposed area where emissions occur (cm2)

                 Ps = the ratio of air-filled soil porosity to total soil porosity (dimensionless)

                 Mi = weight fraction of constituent i in the waste (g/g)

               dsc = effective depth of soil cover (cm).


        Equation 17 assumes that there is a soil cover above waste through which diffusion progresses. When no cover is assumed, Equation 17 is inappropriate (dsc = 0 implies an infinite emission rate).  The soil moisture is accounted for ny replacing the total soil porosit with a porosity ratio term. This replacement was originally suggested by Millington and Quirk (1961) asn was summarized by Hwang (1982) for application to toxic air emissions.  This rate was defined as


where Pt is the total soil porosity (dimensionless) and Pa is the air-filled soil porosity (dimensionless). When it can be assumed that the soil is dry, then Equation 18 simplifies to



       The total soil porosity and the air-filled porosity may be based on the soil types. The percentage sand, silt, and clay may be obtained from U.S. Soil Conservation Service reports. In the rare case where the soil is completely dry, the air-filled porosity becomes the total soil porosity, and Ps given by Equation 18 applies as occurs in the original formulation of Equation 17. The total porosity for a dry soil is calculated as



where b is the bulk density of the soil (g/cm3), and Ps is the particle density (g/cm3), usually 2.65 for mineral material.

        The air-filled porosity, Pa, can be calculated using the total soil porosity minus the soil's field capacity for water as noted in EPA (1988), Fenn et al. (1975), Lynsley et al. (1975), Eagleson (1970), Hanks and Ashcroft (1980), and Israelsen and Hansen (1962). The equation for computing air-filled porosity is



 where q is the soil's percent field capacity for water (dimensionless).

If the diffusion coefficient for the constituent is unknown, it can be calculated using the following empirical relationship (O'Connor and Muller 1980):



where MWi = molecular weight of constituent i (g/mole).

When the landfilled waste constitutes a pure material, the molecular weight, air temperature, and vapor pressure of a constituent are needed to compute the vapor-phase concentration, Csi, using an equation from EPA (1980):


where Csi = saturated vapor concentration of constituent i (g/cm3)

         VPi = saturated vapor pressure of constituent i (mm Hg)

        MWi = molecular weight of constituent i (g/mole)

            R = molar gas constant (6.23 x 104 cm3 mm Hg/° K-mol)

            T = annual average air temperature(° K).

Equation 16 was originally presented by Farmer et al. (1978) based on an experiment conducted for diffusion of a pure compound through soil. Hexachlorobenzene was the material held on a reservoir for diffusion experiments.