GENII 2.0 Atmospheric Transport Chronic Lagrangian Puff Model
Puff Trajectory - The trajectory is a series of discrete puffs used to approximate a continuous plume. Wind direction, wind speed, mixing depth, and stability are updated regularly. The model allows for temporal variations in source characteristics as well as spatial and temporal variations in meteorological conditions. Diffusion within each circular puff is generally assumed to be Gaussian in nature.
Chronic Puff Model:
Lagrangian puff releases based on 1 observation point
Hourly time step (variable number of puffs/hour) using hourly observations or quasi-hourly built from joint-frequency data
Square grid
Multiple sources
Point or area sources
Ground-level or elevated releases
Parameterizations Available in All Air Models
Building wake/low-speed meander
Buoyancy-induced diffusion
Plume rise/downwash corrections:
Diabatic wind profile
Sources of Data for Atmospheric Models:
Hourly data
CD-144 format (National Climatic Data Center, NCDC)
SAMSON format (NCDC)
1st order stations 161-1990 on 3 CDs
Precipitation in TD-3240 format (NCDC)
Joint-frequency data
- STAR (ISC-3)
- GENII V.1.485
Up to 100 radionuclides may be considered in one case
Decay chains are limited to 9 members (be careful not to use the MEPAS RMDLIB.DAT)
The radon-diffusion model is not yet implemented in the near-field model
The software is still in testing - please report problems!